[Wikipedia-l] Moving the English Wikipedia to en.wikipedia.org

The Cunctator cunctator at kband.com
Thu Oct 10 21:03:44 UTC 2002

On 10/10/02 2:42 PM, "The Cunctator" <cunctator at kband.com> wrote:

> A big question that we are in the process of resolving now is whether we
> want to think of Wikipedia as a single project that has multiple
> translations, or as a bunch of largely independent projects specific to
> particular nations and language sets. I think the first conception is
> healthier and more productive over the long term. We really should think
> about this issue before we take broad actions that touch upon it.

Let me clarify the above statement: by "a single project that has multiple
translations" I don't mean "English + translations into other languages" I
mean "a single language-neutral encyclopedia with entries in all different
languages, with the goal that every entry exist in every language". That is,
I think we should think of the entries in English as being translations of
the French entries, and the Polish entries, and vice versa.

Ideally, if an entry exists in one language but not another, such as "racine
Grecque"  (http://fr.wikipedia.com/wiki.cgi?Racine_Grecque) a link to the
unwritten [[Greek root]] should pull up a result that indicates that there's
a version of the entry in French.

I hope this clarifies this conceptualization of Wikipedia.

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