[Wikipedia-l] Minor changes (Was: vandal bots)

Tom Parmenter tompar at world.std.com
Tue Nov 19 22:14:19 UTC 2002

I can't tell who wrote this, but am compelled to reply.

|I never hide minor edits, so it's not a big deal to *me*.
|However, I gather that this would be helpful to other people.

My own practice is to hide punctuation, spelling, linking changes
unless I want to engage in the minor publicity of putting an article
in Recent Changes so that others will know it exists and perhaps add
to it themselves.  

Your not hiding minor edits might be a big deal to *others* if you
clutter the Recent Changes with all *your* precious apostrophes and
spelling corrections.

Some thoughtless people (readers of this list, I believe) are even
putting moves from a private chess game into Recent Changes for
reasons unfathomable to polite people.

Tom Parmenter

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