[Wikipedia-l] Re: What the front page of the wikipedia needs is a warning for children

Erik Moeller erik_moeller at gmx.de
Fri Nov 15 10:56:52 UTC 2002

> Hm. Your idea for team certification on the one hand and Larry's Sifter
> idea 
> combined with my idea of having multiple Sifters with different foci sound
> like compatible ideas to me. 

Indeed, and it's good that Larry is moving forward with his Sifter project.
But I do not like the idea of having many different Wikipedia forks, because
these will, per definitionem, only be selections of articles, whereas I would
simply like to have information *within* Wikipedia that Team FOO has
certified revision BAR as BAZ. This wouldn't mean that you would no longer be able
to look at uncertified (unstable by the software analogy) articles. You would
just get information that a previous revision has been certified by a team in
your trusted team list if that's the case.

This clearly requires more changes to the Wikipedia code than the Sifter
idea, but if we introduce team certification at all, I propose it should be done
under a scheme integrated in Wikipedia.



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