[Wikipedia-l] RE: Offensive usernames

Poor, Edmund W Edmund.W.Poor at abc.com
Wed Nov 13 14:31:33 UTC 2002

In respect to Karen and other lovers of small, soft, or furry creatures, let us rein in our salty language.

And for the record: yes, it was I who created the F****** A****** user account and vandalized several pages. I was trying to make a point, i.e., that our social contract has loopholes that can and will be exploited.

I apologize to all for using illegitmate means to dramatize my point.

Unlike TMC, I am perfectly willing to be bound by the rules that others make. I am an absolutist -- rather than a relativist -- and I am obligated by my religious beliefs to avoid actions which harm others for my own benefit, and to carry out actions that benefit others (even to the point of self-sacrifice)

Thus I will refrain from offending Karen and from frustrating Uncle Mike's desire to use Wikipedia as a teaching tool for children. I myself long ago decided not to let my children use Wikipedia, for the very reasons Karen and mirwin gave -- and which I dramatized with the F.A. episode.

Please, some developer, erase the F.A. user account which I created.


Ed Poor

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