[Wikipedia-l] [Fwd: Re: Wikipedia article: "Holocaust revisionism"]

Toby Bartels toby+wikipedia at math.ucr.edu
Mon Nov 11 03:55:04 UTC 2002

Neil Harris wrote in part:

>I wrote to Ken McVay of the NIzkor project for permission to use the
>Nizkor project's copyrighted materials under the GFDL. Here is my
>original message, and his reply.

>Feel free to use any Nizkor FAQs or Nizkor Features you wish - i.e.
>those that originated from our staff. That includes the FAQs,
>Techniques of Denial, and the 66 QAR sections.

Should an account of this permission be placed
under "Other "Free" and "Semi-Free" Resources"
on [[Wikipedia:Public domain resources]]?

-- Toby

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