[Wikipedia-l] Re: Your message to Wikitech-l awaits moderator approval

rose.parks at att.net rose.parks at att.net
Fri Nov 1 23:30:22 UTC 2002

Hi Members,

     As a moderator of one of the nupedia mailing lists, I do encourage some of 
you to volunteer to Jimmy to moderate one of the three wikipedia mailing lists. 
This is not hard. It just requires that you check your e-mail a few times a day.
     If a message is posted to the list from an e-mail not on the subscribers' 
list, a message goes to the moderator to approve or not to approve the message.
Or you can reject with a reason, like, "Sorry, but you are not subscribed under 
that e-mail address. Please use your usual e-mail address or change the e-mail 
you are subscribed under."

     I bet at least a few people came up with the same suggestion...

                         As Ever,

                           Ruth Ifcher

> Toby Bartels wrote:
> > >I am aware when such posts happen.  For regular contributors, I just
> > >ignore them.  For newcomers, I try to respond.
> > 
> > So if I accidentally send a post from the wrong From: address
> > and it gets sent to you for moderation, then you ignore it?
> > I'd much rather that you posted it!
> In a perfect world, that would be the best thing.  But there's no time
> for that.
> Instead, the message should say: "Hey, you sent them from an
> unsubscribed address, so it's going straight into a blackhole never to
> be seen again."
> Alternatively, someone could volunteer to be the moderator for the
> list.  (The list is not moderated, mind you, it's just that the
> moderator has the power to take care of this kind of administrivia.)
> --Jimbo
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