[Wikipedia-l] If I queried the catalog, what would be there?

Lorraine Lee n8chz at hotmail.com
Sun Mar 31 22:22:01 UTC 2002

From: "Jimmy Wales" <jwales at bomis.com>

> 3. "developers" -- the main extra thing that developers should have
> access to would be "raw" stuff that's pretty technologically
> "dangerous" if you don't know what you're doing.  I.E., ability to
> enter arbitrary SQL select statements, even ones that might be really
> slow.  This extra power should only be used for development purposes,
> and not "in a content fight".

I think I'm metadata-aware enough to be trusted with 
read-only SQL access to wikipedia, but I've been wrong 
in the past and can't think of anything immediately useful 
I'd do if I did have select access.

Since it appears to be a fairly strongly copyleft project, I 
assume you have published its SQL data model?

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