[Wikipedia-l] Re: The case against "invariant sections"

Axel Boldt axel at uni-paderborn.de
Sat Jun 15 22:41:51 UTC 2002

Jan Hidders writes:
> Doesn't the GFDL now already require that you include a URL to
> Wikipedia if you copy material from it?

I believe this is essentially the only practical way of complying with
4.J and 5.B on the web. You need to inform the reader about a
"transparent copy" (= wiki text) and about the "principal authors" 
(= history of wiki article).

I would be in favor of adding a phrase to [[Wikipedia:copyrights]]
saying in effect 

"If you use our material, we ask for a conspicuous link back to the
original Wikipedia article. If you include such a link, we consider
your obligations under 4.J and 5.B GFDL fulfilled."


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