[Wikipedia-l] a small mystery...

Karen AKA Kajikit kaji at labyrinth.net.au
Sat Jun 15 08:21:01 UTC 2002

I was going to use my shiny new sysop power to remove an elderly empty
camelcase user todo page that's obviously obsolete. So I clicked on the
'delete' button in the menu and it said 'are you really sure' and I
clicked on 'yes I want to continue' and then I got a file 404 error and
the page is still there... is that because I am not actually approved to
delete pages? (fair enough if so) Or is there some kind of buggy thing
creeping in that you should know about? Or did I do something wrong?

The page I was going to get rid of is one that's been cluttering up the
orphans list for the last two months so it's hardly vital to continuing

Karen Johnson, slightly puzzled


Karen AKA Kajikit

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