[Wikipedia-l] Sample: TeX - Donald Knuth Markup Language for Mathematical Text

Neil Harris usenet at tonal.clara.co.uk
Wed Jul 31 21:58:29 UTC 2002

As I understand it, the problem with TeX is that it is an absolutely
general Turing-complete programming  language, and you can change the
lexer on the fly, etc. We should use a subset of TeX with only the basic
symbol-rendering stuff, and very little else.

Here's a syntax for a subset of TeX macros in a vaguely BNF-style
notation, basically specifying anything that comes after a backslash.


Would limiting TeX to using only these macros make it
* safe?
* complete enough for our purposes?

If so, then we could write a TeX-parser that would "sanitize" (and
canonicalize, if necessary) any input TeX before letting the real TeX
interpreter see it. Probably using Bison and C.


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