[Wikipedia-l] Refactoring of Naming, Projects, etc

tarquin tarquin at planetunreal.com
Wed Jul 31 09:25:32 UTC 2002

Daniel Mayer wrote:

>On Tuesday 30 July 2002 12:01 pm, you wrote:
>>I volunteered ages ago to try & reorganise naming conventions .......
>>Any objections if I discreetly set up in a corner of MetaWikipedia?
>If you are planning on doing major work then I also suggest that you do as 
>Lee indicated and make a /Temp page so that everybody can monitor the process 
>and help out easily (especially me since I promised to do the exact same 
>thing). However, if you are doing work that will not really leave the page 
>looking incomplete or messy during the process then I say we just un-protect 
>the page and let you go at it (I can't remember, are your a sysop? We have so 
>many now...).
It's major work in the sense that the page structure & names may be 
different to what currently exists.  I'm not *exactly* sure what I'm 
aiming for yet either... hence my idea to set up fresh.
A link on the existing Naming pages to the work in progress would be 
good, as I'd be very glad of input :-)
I'm not a sysop -- could I be made one?


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