[Wikipedia-l] Is it just me or is Sorceforge a @$#%^&*^%$#?

Karen AKA Kajikit kaji at labyrinth.net.au
Wed Jul 31 05:23:55 UTC 2002

I just tried to submit an error report on a display problem... it saved
okay, but then I realised that I forgot to include my email, or where in
the wikipedia I saw the problem etc... so I attempted to add a comment,
and it didn't want me to. So then I tried to write a seperate error
report to attach a screenshot, and it timed out and gave a 'zero data'
error. So I tried to resubmit the report AGAIN and it told me not to
double-submit. GRRRRRRR... 

It's not like the problem is a big issue - Netscape does not like
right-aligned inline images - they interfere with the display of the
floating toolbar and push it down to the bottom of the page below the
entry. It's a nuisance and it makes the page look messy and be a bit
more awkward to use, but it's not a major problem. The buttons still
work, they're just in the wrong place. 

I'll put the screenshot in here since I went to all the trouble of
taking 3 shots and pasting them together in photoshop and resizing them


Karen AKA Kajikit

You can take the dragon out of Alfandra, but you can never take Alfandra
out of the dragon (or the Kitty)...

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Love and huggles to all!
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