[Wikipedia-l] Image link to larger image

koyaanisqatsi at nupedia.com koyaanisqatsi at nupedia.com
Thu Jul 25 20:15:08 UTC 2002

That would be an easy way to do it, but it doesn't take into account the wasted download time (a big consideration for people on dialup, which is probably still most people on wikipedia).  It would be faster to have the two files separate so the thumb can display quickly, and people have the option to see the larger pic but are not forced to.



Magnus wrote:
>A mode that might work:
>* Default is "browser loads large image, then downsizes it"
>* The exceprion for this is server-side, when the article contains 
>[[thumb:xyz.jpg]] *and* there is a "t_xyz.jpg" file.
>That would guarantee the thumb: thing works, and enable fast loading 
>/if/ there's a thumbnail file available.

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