[Wikipedia-l] non-logged in users using upload utility

Jan.Hidders hidders at uia.ua.ac.be
Thu Jul 25 17:38:14 UTC 2002

On Thu, Jul 25, 2002 at 01:55:30AM -0700, Daniel Mayer wrote:
> I have mixed feelings about this -- what does everyone else think?

I have unmixed fellings about this: people who are not logged in should not
be able to upload. People are spending very valuable time on removing
illegitimate uploads so we should be very strict on this. I would even
suggest the rule that unused pictures are fair game. Being able to check
this is not a nice-to-have but a must-have. If we cannot integrate the
different Wikipedias enough to do this easily, then we should decide that
each gets its own upload space. Disk space is cheap, the time of
contributers is certainly not.

-- Jan Hidders

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