[Wikipedia-l] Orphan junk pictures

Brion VIBBER brion at pobox.com
Wed Jul 24 00:57:01 UTC 2002

Pierre Abbat wrote:
> On Tuesday 23 July 2002 20:04, Brion VIBBER wrote:
>>Pierre Abbat wrote:
>>>I noted some images that I think should be deleted. Would someone else
>>>like to look at them and delete them if he agrees?
>>Sure. Which ones are they?
> Argh! There's no voting, and there appears to be no way to search the text of 
> images. Just look at the orphaned images, and if the name of one looks 
> enigmatic or out of place, look at the picture.

Ah, take a look at your User contributions page:

Lists the onces you've commented on right there.

-- brion vibber (brion @ pobox.com)

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