[Wikipedia-l] Recent changes page

lcrocker at nupedia.com lcrocker at nupedia.com
Tue Jul 23 23:46:50 UTC 2002

>> The tricky one is consolidating multiple edits to a page into
>> one entry on the Recent Changes page, the way UseMod and Phase II
>> did.  This is a big performance hit.

> Do we have some measurements on this? Would it be worth the effort
> if I tried to come up with some SQL that did this for the new
> script?

I have only compared the actual query used in Phase II (with that
ugly LEFT OUTER JOIN and GROUP BY) with my present query (actually
two queries, because MySQL doesn't have UNION yet).  If you want
to try other queries on the new database schema that might work with 
comparable speed to the present one, I can try those out on my server 
and time them using a version of Neil's bot.

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