[Wikipedia-l] I just noticed that 'vote for this page' has disappeared

lcrocker at nupedia.com lcrocker at nupedia.com
Tue Jul 23 22:00:37 UTC 2002

> It's something that I found quite handy because a) it gave you
> somewhere to stow pages away for future reference, and b) it was a
> place to bring them to other's attention if they really needed
> something done and you didn't know enough to do it. 

Magnus added the "vote" features on a whim fairly recently, so I
didn't feel too bad about removing them on a whim.  I think there
needs to be more discussion and consensus about what to do along
these lines before actually implementing something.  I have some
ideas I will detail soon...but in short, I'd like to see a link 
something like "review this page", which gives the user a form in 
which he can make all kinds of recommendations (including "I think 
this should be deleted"), and that information can be stored and used 
in various ways (not merely appended to a page).

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