[Wikipedia-l] Public domain image resources + metadata w/othe data

Karen AKA Kajikit kaji at labyrinth.net.au
Sat Jul 20 06:51:36 UTC 2002

lcrocker at nupedia.com wrote:
> > BTW, the new software does not display the image (data) at the
> > image:namespace (metadata container)...If copyright and
> > attribution and other such information (metadata) is going to be
> > in the image's image: page then it is only logical to have the
> > image (data) there too by default.
> If an author wants it there, he's free to put it there.  But
> that's his choice.  He might put a larger version of the image
> instead, or multiple versions, or just links, or just text.  The
> software should make it easy for authors to do what they want,
> but it shouldn't restrict their choices or usurp their authority.
> Automatically repeating the image on the description page seemed
> too automatic for my taste.
> There /is/ a link to the image at the top of the page.
> 0
When I was testing it out I couldn't find it... I uploaded an image and
then couldn't find any way to preview it, and I wasn't at all sure how
to link it into an article. Maybe that's just me... I'm pretty
technically ignorant and if it's not obvious I won't spot it. 


Karen AKA Kajikit

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