[Wikipedia-l] Photo rquest page sugestion

Karen AKA Kajikit kaji at labyrinth.net.au
Wed Jul 17 23:37:16 UTC 2002

lcrocker at nupedia.com wrote:
> > Ummm, WHAT public domain resources page? I've never seen it or
> > thought to look for it... maybe it should be linked from the
> > front page of the Wikipedia and/or from the photo upload pages
> > to enhance its visibility?
> The Wiki page "Public domain resources", and there already is a link
> to it on the front page.
> 0

ok... I guess I just never noticed it. I see it now down the bottom. 

But seriously maybe the image upload page should have a big warning at
the top of it 'Do not upload copyrighted images to the Wikipedia (insert
brief technical warning speil here) Public Domain images are available
here' Sure you have to tick the box but newbies don't know why.


Karen AKA Kajikit

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