[Wikipedia-l] Photo rquest page sugestion

Karen AKA Kajikit kaji at labyrinth.net.au
Wed Jul 17 22:01:57 UTC 2002

Imran Ghory wrote:
> Maybe wikipedia should have a "request a photo/picture" page,
> where people can put requests for photos to accompany articles.
> Especially when dealing with monuments/buildings/objects in
> museum.

What it also needs is a list of public domain image sources that people
can use to find copyright free images to upload. I was just looking at a
public site that I saw somebody else using and I'm sure there are a
thousand pics there that we could use... the problem is wading through
and finding them, and recognising them when you see them because most of
them are not labelled or categorised. 

I found two public domain image sites yesterday:

http://GIMP-savvy.com/PHOTO-ARCHIVE/ (massive but largely uncatalogued
public domain library)

http://www.aquarius.geomar.de/omc/omc_intro.html (automatic public
domain map-generating program)

http://www.history.navy.mil/branches/org11-2.htm (US navy archive of
public domain ship photos)

I'm sure there are many more out there...


Karen AKA Kajikit

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