[Wikitech-l] Re: [Wikipedia-l] what's being done about perfor mance?

Mark Christensen mchristensen at HTEC.com
Sat Jul 13 23:06:31 UTC 2002

> In the last week, my script made 410 attempts at 20 minute 
> intervals to reach the page http://www.wikipedia.com/wiki/Chemistry
> Out of these, only 86% were served in less than 5 seconds.  
> Five percent of the calls timed out (my limit is 60 seconds).  
> Now, this is far better than the worst problems that Wikipedia 
> saw in April or May, but it is still pretty miserable.  

I believe the performance in the new code is much improved.  

Even under all the load I can put on it with a T1 line, the beta software is
producing average load times of less than 1.5 seconds.  

A number of people are now working on stress testing this software before it
is put into production.  And I think there is a general commitment to
solving the performance problem, and I see lots of movement in the right

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