[Wikipedia-l] what's being done about performance?

Lars Aronsson lars at aronsson.se
Fri Jul 12 13:14:42 UTC 2002

On Thu, 11 Jul 2002, Tim Chambers wrote:
> I'm deeply saddened that Wikipedia is a victim of its own success,

No, it is victim to poor architecture.  It's a software problem in the
Wikipedia PHP source code.

The developers seem totally clueless about performance issues. There is a
constant focus on new functions, and none on performance and response
times. They cannot even say what the average response time has been in the
last week or 24 hours.  (Hey, prove me wrong: Tell me the average.)

  Lars Aronsson (lars at aronsson.se)
  tel +46-70-7891609
  http://aronsson.se/  http://elektrosmog.nu/  http://susning.nu/

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