[Wikipedia-l] Wikipedia/Nupedia funding

Kurt Jansson jansson at gmx.net
Wed Jul 10 22:10:39 UTC 2002

Hi Larry!

> > We might earmark money to hire a fulltime editor again, although in
> > wikipedia system, this seems unnecessary.
> In case anyone is wondering, I agree.  The continuing success of
> in my absence--which doesn't surprise me--makes it hard to justify my
> return as a paid lead/organizer of Wikipedia, at least not anytime
> and not as long as the project is plowing ahead more or less as it
> has.

That's right, but I'm sure your job was essential at the beginning of

I think for every new international Wikipedia someone like Larry would
be very helpfull. You need someone who feels responsible for the
project, especially in the first months. When we have enough money maybe
we should hire some enthusiastic academic guy for each Wikipedia that
hasn't already "taken off" for a few months. :-)


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