[Wikipedia-l] minor ? about stats in new codebase.

Magnus Manske magnus.manske at epost.de
Wed Jul 10 21:38:26 UTC 2002

> > > In the new software, would something like [[User talk archive
> > > 1:maveric149]] be counted as an article when the statistics are
> > > run, or does the stats look for and exclude any article with the
> > > string "talk" in it?
> >
> > Only the specifically recognized namespace prefixes are treated
> > as namespaces; anything else is just a regular article with a
> > colon in the title. 0
> This sounds dangerous to me, as people might inadvertantly "pollute" the
> namespace name space?

The alternative would be to forbid ":" in all articles except for the
namespace usage, like it is now.

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