[Wikipedia-l] New server ready for testing

Karen AKA Kajikit kaji at labyrinth.net.au
Thu Jul 4 02:34:49 UTC 2002

lcrocker at nupedia.com wrote:
> > LOTS of people (like my whole family) use Netscape 4.7 and have
> > no intention of upgrading it... it may be old but it's hardly
> > obsolete, and I would suggest that it is not good policy to
> > deliberately make the pedia inaccessible to ANY major browser.
> I agree, and I tested with Netscape 4.7.  The site is totally
> usable and functional with Netscape 4.7--just not the sidebar.
> The site is quite usable with the sidebar turned off, and works
> great even with Lynx, which I also tested.  The site is 100%
> validated HTML 4, and will always be available from any browser.
> The sidebar is an "extra" feature that may only work on more
> standards-compliant ones (and actually it too works fine in
> Lynx--which is better than Netscape in that regard).  If I can
> figure out how to get one of the sidebar options to work with
> Netscape as well without screwing up modern browsers, I'll be
> happy to do that too, but I haven't figured it out yet--the code
> is good, Netscape just can't handle it.
> It is not possible to make every feature, every user setting,
> and every skin in all combinations work on all browsers.  And it
> would be equally bad policy to tell users of modern browsers
> that we won't implement a feature for them just because some
> people with old versions of Netscape won't be able to use it.

OK... I guess I misunderstood. Sorry to make a fuss.


Karen AKA Kajikit

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