[Wikipedia-l] yet another modest proposal to address subpage-like behavior

Gareth Owen wiki at gwowen.freeserve.co.uk
Thu Jan 31 18:01:27 UTC 2002

"Magnus Manske" <Magnus.Manske at epost.de> writes:

> That's it (as I understood it). The problem at [[Middle Earth]] does seem to
> be thy typing inconvenience. 

As necessitated by disambiguation.  (is that a word?)

> The proposal should solve it nicely and simple,

It would certainly seem to.

> without subpages.

Well, maybe not.  But not without something isomorphic to subpages :)
Gareth Owen
"Wikipedia does rock.  By the count on the "brilliant prose" page, there
 are 14 not-bad articles so far" -- Larry Sanger (12 Jan 2001)

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