[Wikipedia-l] My general reaction to the new site and a couple of requests

Julie Kemp juleskemp at yahoo.com
Wed Jan 30 00:25:43 UTC 2002

Hi all -- I generally like the new site, but find it
REALLY confusing. the way it's set up is very
appealing, and I love the new special pages.  The
'diff' sections are much easier to figure out, and I
love the red orphan links.  But -- Am I blind, or is
there somewhere on the new site where I can see a list
of "here are the major changes:  what used to be this,
is now replaced by that" kind of thing.  For example,
I remember vaguely reading about (vaguely placed where
it is for a reason) losing sub-pages, but can only
infer that where there were once pages we now have
name spaces.  I think.  And I'm fairly computer

Also, is there any way to add a line or two to the
script that pulls the 'most Wanted' list and have it
exclude years -- or at least 2 digit years?  Lots of
times they just don't need to link back and forth...

I still think the site is a huge improvement... just
wish that there was more user-friendly documentation. 
I used to write that kind of thing, BTW (in HTML,
even).  Could I be of help?    [[JHK]]

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