[Wikipedia-l] No-subpage policy makes editing [[Middle Earth]] difficult

Jan Hidders hidders at uia.ua.ac.be
Tue Jan 29 20:35:51 UTC 2002

Sorry, two remarks I forgot to make.

From: "Jan Hidders" <hidders at uia.ua.ac.be>
> That is about all. I know this looks very much like subpages on steroids
> (Larry is probably foaming at the mouth right now :-)) and in some sense
> is, but I really think we need user-definable hierarchies of name spaces
> I don't see why we cannot trust the self-organization of Wikipedians on
> this.

Note that an important difference with sub-pages is that a name-space
inherits all the page names from it sub-name-spaces that are unambiguous.

> Btw. note how elegantly Talk-pages fit into this scheme; you just add a
> [[Talk]]. No further special arrangements necessary. On the down-side the
> user now has the indicate explicitly that a page has to be put in the
> highest name space by writing  for example [[:Wikipedia_talk]] where ":"
> represents the root name space.

For backwards compatability you can also reverse this of course, i.e.,
[[:blah]] becomes local and [[blah]] global. Hmmm, sounds familiar. ... :-)

-- Jan Hidders

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