[Wikipedia-l] test wikipedia problems

Magnus Manske Magnus.Manske at epost.de
Sat Jan 19 22:50:36 UTC 2002

Quick update:

> 17 Jan -- When I searched for "? language" I got:
> Warning: REG_BADRPT in ./specialPages.php on line 365

Probably a SQL thing. I'll look into it, but it seems to be only a minor

> It would be nice if the Most Wanted page let you click
> to view which pages actually do want that one.  Also,
> it might be nice if the number of articles want that
> article rather than how many times it is wanted...
> thus, the [? language]? problem because of the
> Non-English wikipedias page!

I fixed all of that. You can see it on the sourceforge site (I don't have
write acces at bomis yet).

> Also, I can't access an article by typing
> http://test.wikipedia.com/wiki/Esperanto for example.

This is an Apache thing, it will be done for the final site.

> Also, it would be nice in the conversion if you could
> delete blank wikipedia articles so the articles that
> link to them become question marks again and this
> won't mess up the now useless Stub Articles page.

That would cause a major rewrite in the conversion script (it is supposed to
run only once in a lifetime, so it is not the most universal script I ever
I could add a "Delete empty pages" functions for administrators, though.

> Also, is cross-language linking implemented yet or is
> that still in the works?

It would work, but only between wikipediae (?) that run the PHP script.
The *automatic* crosslinking is *not* implemented yet.

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