[Wikipedia-l] ODBASE 2002 -- Call for Papers

Lars Aronsson lars at aronsson.se
Sun Jan 6 18:07:55 UTC 2002


The following is a "call for papers" for a conference to be held in
Irvine, California, this fall.  Wikipedia might fit as a topic for a
paper.  Any takers?  Can a paper be coauthored as a wiki page?  :-)

Paper Submission Deadline:  May 31, 2002

  Lars Aronsson
  <lars at aronsson.se>
  tel +46-70-7891609
  http://aronsson.se/ http://elektrosmog.nu/ http://susning.nu/

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Date:         Sat, 5 Jan 2002 17:48:16 -0500
Sender: Digital Libraries Research mailing list
From: Ugur Cetintemel <ugur at CS.BROWN.EDU>
Subject:      ODBASE 2002 -- Call for Papers

                       C A L L   F O R   P A P E R S

                        International Conference on
                Ontology's, DataBases, and Applications of
           Semantics for Large Scale Information Systems (ODBASE)

               October 29 - November 1, Irvine, California

               Proceedings to be published by IEEE Press

A key challenge in making the Internet and the Web a more friendly and
productive place is to fill more meaning to the vast and continuously
growing amount of data on the Net. This is a vision that is shared
both by the Worl Wide Web community, incarnated by the notion of the
ôSemantic Webö coined by Tim Berners Lee, and researchers from a
number of areas including data and knowledge engineering, databases,
intelligent agent systems, information retrieval, information sciences
and linguistics. The claim is that the emergence of meaning that is
associated with data and documents found on the Internet will boost
diverse applications such as e-commerce, enterprise and information
integration, knowledge engineering, geographic information systems,
digital libraries, ubiquitous computing, and intelligent information
access. Data semantics and ontologies for large-scale information
systems have become an important topic in research communities across
several displines, research funding agencies, as well as various

The international conference on Ontology's, DataBases, and
Applications of Semantics intends to create a forum to exchange views,
ideas and experiences on ontologies and data semantics from different
disciplines. A goal of the ODBASE conference is to bring researchers
from databases, Semantic Web, and knowledge management together to
discuss specific problems and promising approaches to providing more
meaning for the growing amount of data on the Internet and in
ubiquitous computing. A unique character of the ODBASE conferences is
its specialization on data semantic issues for very large ontology and
Internet systems, and its strong emphasis on interdisciplinarity and
practical applicability of systems, tools and methods for supporting
semantics in large-scale information systems. The program committee of
ODBASE 2002 consists of leading experts from diverse discplines
including formal ontology, databases, geographic information systems,
library science, logic, and knowledge management.  We have special
interest in papers that bridge traditionally separated areas such as
databases, intelligent systems, and knowledge engineering, and papers
that address issues of scalability in data semantics on the Internet
and ubiquitous computing systems.

ODBASE'02 is part of the Federated Symposium Event that is organized
within the global theme "On the Move to Meaningful Internet Systems
and Ubiquitous Computing 2002". This federated event co-locates three
related and complementary successful conferences in the areas of
Intelligent Networked Information Systems, covering key issues in Data
and Web Semantics (ODBASE'02), Distributed Objects, Infrastructure and
Enabling Technology and Internet Computing (DOA'02), and Workflow,
Cooperation, and Interoperability (CoopIS'02), as required for the
deployment of Internet- and Intranet-based systems in organizations
and for e-business. More details about this federated event can be
found at http://www.cs.rmit.edu.au/fedconf.

Areas of interest of ODBASE'02 include but are not limited to:

   * Representation and Storage:
     Information, Data and Knowledge Modeling
     Ontology Languages
     Hypertext and Hypermedia
     Semi-Structured Data
     Multimedia Data and Metadata
     Semantics of E-Services
     Management of Large Knowledge Repositories
     Management and Integration of Large Ontology Bases
     Metadata Repositories
     Semantic Middleware

   * Construction and Methodologies:
     Database Integration
     E-Service Integration
     Searching and Managing Dynamic Contents
     Data and Web Mining
     Intelligent Information Agents
     Information Retrieval
     Filtering and Summarization
     Multimedia Metadata Annotation
     Ontology Extraction and Learning
     Self-organization in Information Systems

   * Applications and Evaluation:
     Semantic Web
     Domain/Application Ontology
     Ontology of Information Processing
     Electronic Commerce
     Digital Libraries
     Media Archives
     Enterprise-wide Information Systems
     Web-based Information Systems
     Location-dependent information services
     Web Services and Service Interoperability
     Information Dissemination
     Ubiquitous and Mobile Information Systems


     Paper Submission Deadline:  May 31, 2002
     Acceptance Notification:    July 15, 2002
     Final Version Due:          August 20, 2002
     Conference:                 October 30 - November 1, 2002


     All submitted papers will be carefully evaluated based on originality,
     significance, technical soundness, and clarity of expression.  Papers
     that bridge two or more areas should be marked as BRIDGE papers. They
     will be reviewed jointly by the appropriate PC sub-areas. All
     submissions must be in English. Research submissions must not exceed
     8,000 words. Submissions can either be in Postscript, MS Word, or Pdf
     format and should be done through the following URL


     The final proceedings will be published by IEEE Press. Failure to
     commit to presentation at the conference automatically excludes a
     paper from the proceedings.


General Co-Chairs

           Robert Meersman       Zahir Tari            Mike Papazoglou
           STARLab               RMIT University       Tilburg University
           Free University of    Department of         Infolab
           Brussels              Computer Science      PO Box 90153
           Building F-G 10,      City Campus, GPO Box  NL-5000 LE TILBURG
           Pleinlaan 2           2476V                 The Netherlands
           B-1050 Brussels       Melbourne, VIC 3001   mikep at kub.nl
           Belgium               Australia
           meersman at vub.ac.be    zahirt at cs.rmit.edu.au

Program Committee Co-Chairs

           Karl Aberer           Ling Liu               Robert A. Meersman
           LSIR  (Distributed    College of             VUB (Vrije
           Information Systems   Computing,             Universiteit
           Laboratory)           Georgia Tech           Brussel)
           EPFL, CH-1015         801 Atlantic Dr.       Department of
           Lausanne,             Atlanta, GA            Computer Science
           Switzerland           30332-0280, USA         STARlab, Building
           karl.aberer at epfl.ch   lingliu at cc.gatech.edu  F-G/10
                                                        Pleinlaan 2 B-1050
                                                        Brussels Belgium
                                                        meersman at vub.ac.be

Tutorial Chair

          Vipul Kashyap
          Telcordia, USA

Organising Chair

          Douglas Schmit
          University of
          California, Irvine

Publicity Chair

           Ugur Cetintemel
           Department of
           Computer Science
           Brown University,
           ugur at cs.brown.edu

Program Committee Members (TBA)

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