[Wikipedia-l] Meta.wikipedia has been down for a number of days

rose.parks at att.net rose.parks at att.net
Tue Jan 1 20:58:09 UTC 2002

Thank you Mr. Crocker for reminding me. Yes - 
meta.wikipedia.com  has been showing MySQL errors for at 
least five days and is unusable. All the previous 
content no longer displays either.
     I hope someone is trying to correct this.

          As Ever,

            Ruth Ifcher

> I'm not sure when it happened, but somewhere the main Wikipedia site 
> started putting out HTML with:
>   ?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?
>   ...
>   !DOCTYPE html
>   PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML Basic 1.0//EN"
>   ...
> None of the above is even close to the truth, and for the code to 
> claim it is will cause many problems.  The HTTP headers simply claim 
> that the text is "HTML" and that the encoding is "ISO-8859-1", both 
> of which are accurate and useful; this is the way UseMod has always 
> worked and still does, so I don't know where the new stuff came from.
> This needs to be fixed.
> "Meta" is too broken now for me to check.

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