[Wikipedia-l] Re: Documentation and user aids

Julie Kemp juleskemp at yahoo.com
Fri Feb 8 21:46:56 UTC 2002

HI all -- 

Magnus, it wasn't really aimed all at you, because
frankly I'm not sure who does what!

Although I truly appreciate the documentation =
ironing thing, there needs to be something.  And
unfortunately, your answer waas sooooo programmer! 
Most people aren't.  I'm lucky because I've actually
had to translate geekspeak to sales/customer support
in a couple of jobs, so I had an inkling, but frankly
the discussion bored the hell out of me because it
never got to the user level.

Yes, you guys let interested parties know what was
going on -- i.e., that changes were being made -- but
not how those changes would affect the site and its
use in user-speak.

Here are some very fundamental issues that need

1)  What happened to sub-pages and why

2)  What the HELL is a namespace (and a ton of related
questions -- like if there are no subpages, why is
there a talk link?

3)What changes have been made to the use of certain
punctuation marks in titles?

4)Where subpages once existed, how did the conversion
affect them?

5) HOw do I redirect?  (If it's the same as before, it
doesn't seem to work with articles entitled with
people's names)

Lots of questions!  NO answers.  I suggest a New
Features special page that has FAQs and a kind of tour
for newbies and those of us who have been around a
while but just want to use the site -- and don't
really care how it works, as long as it does!! ;-)

I will help in any way I can, but I really think we
need something!  [[JHK]]

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