[Wikipedia-l] "(film)" vs. "(movie)"

Karen AKA Kajikit kaji at labyrinth.net.au
Fri Aug 30 03:30:13 UTC 2002

lcrocker at nupedia.com wrote:
> I notice that we have about 50-60 pages titled "XXX (movie)",
> and maybe a dozen titled "XXX (film)".  I'd like to see these
> merged, and obviously it's less work to settle on "(movie)"
> as our standard.  Are there any film buffs out there with a
> good argument why our standard should be "(film)", or why there
> might actually be a distiction?

(film) was the original delinianator(sp?) and then (movie) was decided
on when the matter was discussed at exhaustive length a few months ago
:) So change them over by all means!


Karen AKA Kajikit

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will truly appreciate it in all its facets' - 
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