[Wikipedia-l] Page deletion policy

koyaanisqatsi at nupedia.com koyaanisqatsi at nupedia.com
Thu Aug 29 18:43:35 UTC 2002

Wikipedia is still young; we can expect quite a lot of 
embarassing stubs so far because there's so much work ahead 
of us still.  I'm not discouraged about it because I think it's a 
realistic expectation that we /will/ have many stubs with less than 
2 years of contributions logged.  Personally, I'm not thinking so 
much of immediate gratification: I expect stubs, and so I'm 
pleasantly surprised when I run across an article that's 
informative and nearly complete.  I think it just takes time and 
diligent effort.

This is the Great Wall of China of encyclopedias we're building 
here, and I'm content to add a layer here, patch up the mortar 
there, and help cart bricks over there.  Personally, I expect to be 
quite proud of wikipedia and my contributions to it by the time I'm 
50 (I'm 27).  I don't expect to be proud of wikipedia tomorrow, 
except as a proof of concept and a thumbing of the nose to 


Ed Wrote:
>It seems to me we are trying to impove the number and quality 
of our articles, merely by making a policy: 
>1. All articles will be brilliant prose.
>2. No useless stubs!


>Our problem is not "stub policy". We just don't have enough 

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