[Wikipedia-l] Deletion of /pages/ with No Content

Daniel Mayer maveric149 at yahoo.com
Mon Aug 26 08:45:51 UTC 2002

On Monday 26 August 2002 12:20 pm, The Cunctator wrote:
> And the doubt here shouldn't be an individual's doubt, but on
> the doubt of everyone. And in the case of stubs, there will always be
> doubt, because the determination of "useless" is not objective.

Sorry but I must wholeheartedly disagree. A page that is blank or whose only 
content is "Put your text for the new page here. alkjfl;asdkj;lkj" "or "this 
is gay" IS objectively useless (worse than useless since it shows up as an 
active link). This is also true for pages whose only content is the title of 
the page and arguably for pages whose only content is an external link. 

There is a very good reason why WikiWiki has different links for actual pages 
and for non-pages -- one is assumed to have content, the other doesn't. If we 
have too many contentless pages then this most central feature of our 
software becomes more and more useless.

-- Daniel Mayer (aka mav)

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