[Wikipedia-l] Bulk imports (dumbing down or dumping?)

Poor, Edmund W Edmund.W.Poor at abc.com
Tue Aug 13 18:06:23 UTC 2002

I am against the wholesale importing of articles from any large repository, whether it be an old out-of-copyright Encyclopedia Britannica, a Bible commentary, or the marxism.org site.

However, I see nothing wrong with individuals (preferably signed in, so we can track their "contributions") copying a few article here and there to fill in the void.

The articles I've read from the Bible dictionary are useless to me: personally, I'm just ignoring them. Thank God they have their source designator on 'em so I can tell them apart from the regular, peer-reviewed, relentlessly scrutinized normal Wikipedia articles.

The article on the Labour Theory of Value from marxism. seems a bit one-sided to me. If it was imported, I'd have to stick in a large number of phrases like "According to Marx..." and "Modern supporters of Marxist economics still feel that..."

Ed Poor

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