[Wikipedia-l] New version of wiki.fcgi

Jimmy Wales jwales at bomis.com
Sun Sep 30 05:16:56 UTC 2001

I've created a new version of wiki -- wiki.fcgi, which means
'FastCGI'.  This is now handling all of the requests of the form:

but requests for the edit pages and so on still go to the original

This minimizes the chances of problesm -- wiki.fcgi is only handling
requests that are 'read-only'.  It can also handle edits, at least in
my testing, but for now I'm not implementing that.

This has resulted in a reducting in the number of wiki.cgi that have
to be run from 20-30 per minute to 4-5.  Those numbers are for right
now, a Saturday evening when traffic is low.

We were getting very overloaded during busy days.  This should solve
that problem for awhile.  :-) Later, if this works fine, I may have
the fastcgi do everything, which would solve the problem for a LONG

I'm excited about moving forward with Magnus's PHP code, of course.
So this is a stopgap measure until we get that running.

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