[Wikipedia-l] E-mail interface to Wikipedia

Krzysztof P. Jasiutowicz kpjas at promail.pl
Sun Jun 24 16:09:04 UTC 2001

Hello all,

I was just thinking about e-mail interface to Wikipedia.
What for, you might ask.
Sometimes it is for some people hard to get onto the Wikipedia server.
I also think it would booster authors' productivity.

Off the top of my head I can think of three commands that can be placed in
subject line of an e-mail :
* GET     - raw text of the page
* RECEIVE - formatted text of the page
of course there should also be 'an article a day' service.
POSTing should be reserved to active memebers of this mailing list.
There should be some way to safeguarde against accidental overwriting
of existing pages.

When POSTing raw text in body before '-- ', and author's id from e-mail
before '@'.

Best regards,
Krzysztof P. Jasiutowicz, M.D | Piekło jest wybrukowane dobrymi chęciami.
Czestochowa, Poland ...       | Samuel Johnson  
Więcej cytatów : http://www.cytaty.phg.pl

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