[Wikipedia-l] Navigation system, architecture

Krzysztof P. Jasiutowicz kpjas at ceti.pl
Wed Jun 13 08:45:00 UTC 2001

Hello all,

I'd like to hear your opinion about some kind of navigation system of
It is also linked with the architecture of Wikipedia.
Are we making the future 100,000 pages totally flat ?
One level of subpages is surely not enough but this is a usemod technology
stumbling block, not so easily overcome. 
What hypertext is all about is linking to other parts of information pool
but without a navigation system (and search system) we are going round in

Krzysztof P. Jasiutowicz, M.D | Wolności nie można symulować. Stanisław Jerzy
Czestochowa, Poland ...       | Lec  
Więcej cytatów : http://www.cytaty.phg.pl

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