[Wikipedia-l] PHP Wikipedia

Jimmy Wales jwales at bomis.com
Fri Aug 24 22:07:00 UTC 2001

Magnus Manske wrote:
> I downloaded one of these traballs, but didn't look at it in detail, so I'm
> uncertain how complicated that would be. But if we're to move to MySQL
> anyway, either with my solution or a new CGI script, conversion is
> unavoidable.

Agreed.  I'm not sure why we want to move to MySQL, at least I'm not sure
why *in particular*, although I understand the general desirability of a 
"real" database in general.

> Which is another thing I need to know. Should I implement a "rights
> management"? If yes, how? Probably group-based, with an "editor" group
> giving out special rights? And limits that can be changes for each page, or
> should that go by page name, like "/Talk is open to everyone, /Lock can only
> be changed by editors"? Please give me input on this!

I should think that by default all pages should be open to everyone.  If and when
we need locking capability, we can see what we need it for, and add it in a limited
way for that.

However, I personally will fight hard against the idea of locking *any* pages, with
the *possible* exception of some "meta" pages which talk about how the software
works, etc.  Even there, I don't see a good reason to lock the pages.

> BTW, who should I contact for testing my script and the DB on a "real"
> server? Toan? And should I make the script public now, so everyone can take
> a look? As a wiki article, or post it here on the list?

Contact jasonr at aristotle.bomis.com  I'll have him help you.

Yes, let's have a look at the script, it sounds fun!

> Finally, I'm not sure I can do the long-term of the script maintnance
> myself. I'll work on the rights management and bug-fixing until it runs
> without bugs, of course, and can fix minor things when they pop up. But in a
> few weeks/month, I'll be quite busy at university, and can't promise
> anything there.

*Nod*  I understand.  Since you wrote this initial version, and if we go with it
as a replacement for UseMod, I'm sure you'll be the main guy to oversee it for the
first few weeks.  If it is easy enough for other people to grasp what is going on,
it should be no problem for someone to step up to the plate to cover the role of

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