[Wikinews-l] Fwd: Wikinews e-mail about IRC complaining

Tahrim Ramdjan Tahrim_Ramdjan at planet.nl
Mon Sep 28 16:36:25 UTC 2009

Im sorry, i pressed a wrong key so the mail was sended already... again this

Yeah okay, thanks for another mail about this.

It could possible that i was also being a kind of rude but i felt
threatened. Please respect it that i can felt threatened. I think the best
thing is now to let it go. Like also somebody on the channel said.

18:29:16 uur: <iDangerMouse> let it go !

Its indeed not the kind of way how we handle it on Wikipedia. I mean, its
kinda weird to see everybody looking weird to you and saying ''Whois,
whois?'' if somebody comes in who is unknown for them. 

Its not the way so I don't know how to act in that case. But I want to ask
if you would stop with sending mails to me, because best thing is to let it
go. I felt threatened, okay, I reported it, okay, It seemed to be
miscommunication, NeoAmsterdam was just joking me, I didn't feel that as
joking, I am still a human being which can make faults...

So if everything is right, can we stop by now with this things? Last night I
also sent a mail to moderator Van der Hoorn because I knew that maybe some
people who speak English wont understand me.. maybe if Van der Hoorn
replies, it will be a bit more clear to me. But I ask you for now to stop
(by the way, at Wikipedia, people don't also handle to, when somebody sends
a mail to an administrator, the administrator sends it right away to mailing
list.. I mean.. privacy or something? :P Anyway..)

Again: Thanks, sorry, and byebye. 
(And another thing that isn't the way like I know from Wikipedia (I know
this is Wikinews, but I never been really on Wikinews before) is that people
ban people in no-time if they don't understand some things..)

-----Original Message-----
From: Tahrim Ramdjan [mailto:Tahrim_Ramdjan at planet.nl] 
Sent: maandag 28 september 2009 18:31
To: 'brian.mcneil at wikinewsie.org'; 'Wikinews mailing list'
Subject: RE: [Wikinews-l] Fwd: Wikinews e-mail about IRC complaining

Yeah okay, thanks for another mail about this.

It could possible that i was also being a kind of rude but i felt
threatened. Please respect it that i can felt threatened. I think the best
thing is now to let it go. Like also somebody on the channel said.\

-----Original Message-----
From: brian.mcneil at wikinewsie.org [mailto:brian.mcneil at wikinewsie.org] 
Sent: maandag 28 september 2009 16:34
To: Wikinews mailing list
Cc: Tahrim_Ramdjan at planet.nl
Subject: RE: [Wikinews-l] Fwd: Wikinews e-mail about IRC complaining

It may not be the way you handle things at the Dutch Wikipedia, but
you're getting quite a few things wrong here.

First, you were complaining about a problem on YOUR PC, no amount of
hacking about with the code on the wiki is going to fix that.

Second, IRC channels are not provided by the Wikimedia Foundation. They
are completely independent and have nothing to do with rules like "Don't
bite the newbies". Having said that, there is no indication anyone
actually bit or otherwise abused you. You refused to see that the
problem was on your end and nobody could help you remotely. The
tongue-in-cheek joke you provoked was mild, and simply not a reason to
devote so much effort, so long after the fact, to produce an extended


> -------- Original Message --------
> Subject: Re: [Wikinews-l] Fwd: Wikinews e-mail about IRC complaining
> From: "Tahrim Ramdjan" <Tahrim_Ramdjan at planet.nl>
> Date: Mon, September 28, 2009 1:29 pm
> To: "'Jon Davis'" <wiki at konsoletek.com>, "'Wikinews mailing list'"
> <wikinews-l at lists.wikimedia.org>
> So it seems i did things wrong... :S Well, i only know that this isnt the
> way we handle at the Dutch Wikipedia, but sorry by then and goodbye.
>   _____  
> From: jon at snowulf.com [mailto:jon at snowulf.com] On Behalf Of Jon Davis
> Sent: maandag 28 september 2009 4:51
> To: Wikinews mailing list
> Cc: TahR78
> Subject: Re: [Wikinews-l] Fwd: Wikinews e-mail about IRC complaining
> Wow.  Talk about a speedy email about this topic.  This conversation
> August 20th, 2009 @ 05:19 PST (12:19 UTC?).
> If the group is curious, I can provided a full copy of the chat
> but after reading...this is a non issue.  The user in question (Tahr78)
> I'm CC'ing (out of the kindness of my heart) was having... difficulties. 
> He was extremely insistent that our maps were broken, and that there was
> other explanation.  NeoAmsterdam and Gopher65 attempted to explain to the
> user that the maps seemed to be working correctly, that the maps were not
> country/continent average temperatures (I guess the Netherlands is so
> they dont bother giving people the weather other than the national average
> temp?!) and that the tooltips showed that the temperature in question was
> for East Midlands, England and not the Netherlands. Apparently the users
> tooltips were not working, and that's Wikinews's fault.  When NeoAmsterdam
> explained that this wasn't our fault, the user threw a tantrum.
> At this point the conversation goes way down hill with the user repeatedly
> quitting and re-joining the channel.  Right after he quits the first time,
> he gets his "friend" to join the channel under the username
> "Olivier_Bommel".  The user (along with his friend) continue tossing in
> of commentary here or there and generally being a pain in the ass 
> After a bit of this on & off, we get to the "threat". Since the user is
> accusing NeoAmsterdam of making threats over IRC, I'm pulling out the 4
> lines of relevant text here for everyone:
> (6:26:46 AM) NeoAmsterdam: Since you insist, TahR78, I'll say it:
> (6:26:46 AM) NeoAmsterdam: The Dutch were fools for surrendering New
> Amsterdam so quickly to the English.
> (6:26:46 AM) NeoAmsterdam: There.  I've said it.  I feel better.
> (6:26:46 AM) NeoAmsterdam: ^_^
> In short, there was no threatening behavior going on.  NeoAmsterdam did
> nothing wrong in my book in handling this user.  In fact, if I had been
> one on, I would have ban hammered both TahR78 and his friend
> from the channel for being disruptive.
> -Jon
> On Sun, Sep 27, 2009 at 17:14, Patrick Mannion <patrick.mannion at gmail.com>
> wrote:
> Dunno why I got this, I hardly hang out on the IRC channel, but nontheless
> something for you guys to look at...
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: TahR78 <tahrim_ramdjan at planet.nl>
> Date: Sat, Sep 26, 2009 at 8:09 PM
> Subject: Wikinews e-mail about IRC complaining
> To: TUFKAAP <patrick.mannion at gmail.com>
> Hi Tufkaap,
> Im sorry for disturbing you in this late hour (in where i live, Europe, it
> is now night). I want to complain about an user on IRC, he is much on it.
> Lets start with the story:
> So, i and friends were looking because we were bored, one of my friends
> that he found a weather map of Europe. We were going to watch, it was a
> Celsius map, but it wasnt right. So we joined the IRC channel of Wikinews
> and we were going to report it. First time nobody reacted, second time
> nobody. Thirth time finally somebody was waken up and listened to us. I
> nice said ''Hey, there's a kind of fault in this template''. The user i've
> spoken to, NeoAmsterdam, didnt appreciate that very much. He said to me on
> not so nice way that i have to look better, because it are airports. It
> would stand on a tooltip. Well, tooltips doesnt work on this computer on
> that day, so i made him that clear. Than everybody said something and,
> NeoAmsterdam also said that he thinks that the Dutch were stupid to give
> Amsterdam to the British.
> When he said that, i thought he was going to hurt me, but he didnt. First
> all, i cant fix it that New York isnt now New Amsterdam, so dont blame me
> that and second, it doesnt touch me, because i am born in Holland, but my
> parents come from a whole other country. I leaved the channel, but friends
> were still on the channel and said me that they were talking bad about me.
> Well, i am not hurt, no, i could even laugh about what NeoAmsterdam said.
> am experienced with wiki's, i have a account on the Dutch Wikipedia as
> and have crossuser on, so i can log in on every Wikimedia wiki. But i have
> also experience on other wiki's like from Wikia. I know this isnt the
> way, im sorry for that, but i donk think this is a nice way to explain
> things to (new) users on Wikinews, especially foreigners. Also when you
> talking bad about a newbie on a wiki, that isnt the right thing i think?
> (Why i choosen you is because when i said on the IRC channel some days
> somebody prefered you. Hope you dont mind my bad English, because i am not
> so old (11, 12 years) and still Dutch, so i am not a very expert in
> Hope you understand this situation, maybe i made a big thing of it but
> wanted to say this.. Only time when i contributed to Wikinews was with a
> article about the attack on the Dutch queen, no more).
> Sorry for the long mail and disturbing you, but i just wanted this to say.
> Please note that it is a long time ago when this happened, you will be
> surprised why i send this mail NOW, well, its simple: i didnt have any
> I have also accounts on other much internet communities. There were more
> people at that IRC conversation but i can only remember NeoAmsterdam.
> Greetings from TahR78
> ----
> Want to send a reaction, you can mail this email adress back or leave a
> on my dutch Wikipedia talk page, my name there is also TahR78, however i
> dont prefer that because it isnt necessary to tell every Dutch Wikipedians
> about this story.
> --
> This e-mail was sent by TahR78 to TUFKAAP by the "E-mail user" function at
> Wikinews.
> -- 
> Autism is both a gift and a curse at the same time; But I think of it as a
> gift.
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