[Wikinews-l] Fwd: Wikinews e-mail about IRC complaining

Patrick Mannion patrick.mannion at gmail.com
Mon Sep 28 00:14:54 UTC 2009

Dunno why I got this, I hardly hang out on the IRC channel, but nontheless
something for you guys to look at...

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: TahR78 <tahrim_ramdjan at planet.nl>
Date: Sat, Sep 26, 2009 at 8:09 PM
Subject: Wikinews e-mail about IRC complaining
To: TUFKAAP <patrick.mannion at gmail.com>

Hi Tufkaap,

Im sorry for disturbing you in this late hour (in where i live, Europe, it
is now night). I want to complain about an user on IRC, he is much on it.
Lets start with the story:

So, i and friends were looking because we were bored, one of my friends said
that he found a weather map of Europe. We were going to watch, it was a
Celsius map, but it wasnt right. So we joined the IRC channel of Wikinews
and we were going to report it. First time nobody reacted, second time also
nobody. Thirth time finally somebody was waken up and listened to us. I just
nice said ''Hey, there's a kind of fault in this template''. The user i've
spoken to, NeoAmsterdam, didnt appreciate that very much. He said to me on a
not so nice way that i have to look better, because it are airports. It
would stand on a tooltip. Well, tooltips doesnt work on this computer on
that day, so i made him that clear. Than everybody said something and,
NeoAmsterdam also said that he thinks that the Dutch were stupid to give New
Amsterdam to the British.

When he said that, i thought he was going to hurt me, but he didnt. First of
all, i cant fix it that New York isnt now New Amsterdam, so dont blame me
that and second, it doesnt touch me, because i am born in Holland, but my
parents come from a whole other country. I leaved the channel, but friends
were still on the channel and said me that they were talking bad about me.

Well, i am not hurt, no, i could even laugh about what NeoAmsterdam said. I
am experienced with wiki's, i have a account on the Dutch Wikipedia as well,
and have crossuser on, so i can log in on every Wikimedia wiki. But i have
also experience on other wiki's like from Wikia. I know this isnt the usual
way, im sorry for that, but i donk think this is a nice way to explain
things to (new) users on Wikinews, especially foreigners. Also when you are
talking bad about a newbie on a wiki, that isnt the right thing i think?

(Why i choosen you is because when i said on the IRC channel some days ago,
somebody prefered you. Hope you dont mind my bad English, because i am not
so old (11, 12 years) and still Dutch, so i am not a very expert in English.
Hope you understand this situation, maybe i made a big thing of it but just
wanted to say this.. Only time when i contributed to Wikinews was with a
article about the attack on the Dutch queen, no more).

Sorry for the long mail and disturbing you, but i just wanted this to say.
Please note that it is a long time ago when this happened, you will be
surprised why i send this mail NOW, well, its simple: i didnt have any time.
I have also accounts on other much internet communities. There were more
people at that IRC conversation but i can only remember NeoAmsterdam.

Greetings from TahR78
Want to send a reaction, you can mail this email adress back or leave a note
on my dutch Wikipedia talk page, my name there is also TahR78, however i
dont prefer that because it isnt necessary to tell every Dutch Wikipedians
about this story.

This e-mail was sent by TahR78 to TUFKAAP by the "E-mail user" function at

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