[Wikinews-l] Wikinews: Video Wikinews 2.0 produces first promo video.

jason safoutin cute24minbflo at yahoo.com
Tue Apr 10 15:59:09 UTC 2007

We have updated the Wikinews video with a new theme song here: http://videowikinews.spaces.live.com/ (Updated: 10 minutes before this e-mail was sent :)).

Here is the credit:

Credit for the music goes to '''The Dynamos''', this was from a week-long session that resulted in a CD on March 2, 1997.  The music was recorded in Hart Street Studios, Edinburgh and the credits are as follows:

*Ciaran Bradley: Bass guitar.
*William Cambell: Backing/lead guitar.
*Andy Dunnigan: Lead/backing guitar.
*Gordon Findlay: Drums/percussion.

*Engineer: Roy Aitken
*Produced by: The Dynamos, Roy Aitken, Brian McNeil.
*English Wikinews Username: Brianmc
*Name: Brian McNeil

I want to thank Brian for enabling us to get this set of music. There are many tracks we are able to work from. This is currently our fsecond, but full Promo video.

Jason Safoutin, English Wikinews: DragonFire1024

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