[Wikimedia ZA] Legal opinion on proposed Chapter

Charlene Foster afrastocracy at gmail.com
Thu Sep 2 06:42:17 UTC 2010

Thank you Tobias and happy to go with the Section 21 option.

Have a fabulous day everyone.


On Mon, Aug 30, 2010 at 8:06 PM, Kerryn McKay <kerryn at africancommons.org>wrote:

> Hi everyone
> Tobias Schonwetter, as mentioned in an email last week, has put together a
> really helpful document about what type of legal vehicle should be used for
> the proposed SA Chapter.  This document, which I've attached here,  outlines
> the considerations taken in drafting this opinion.  Tobias (with the support
> of Chetty Law) suggest that we go with a Section 21 company.
> Thank you so much to Tobias for this document; it is really helpful and
> outlines very clearly the issues for everyone.  Please note that Tobias
> alludes to the 'financial services sector' in the document, as within the
> discussion during  the kickoff workshop, it was mentioned by myself and
> Achal that we had had an indication of initial interest from this sector
> about the Chapter.
> Please can we all consider the attached document.  I would like to suggest
> that its open for discussion and debate until *Thursday, 2nd September*,
> following which a final decision will be taken about the legal vehicle.
> So if you have concerns or opinions, please voice them between now and
> Thurs.
> Regards
> Kerryn
> * * * *
> director, The African Commons Project
> email me at:  kerryn at africancommons.org
> phone me:  +2711 486 0211, cell:  +27 82 334 6165,
> skype me:  kerrynmac
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Charlene Foster
+27 82 850 5740

*"At the feast of Ego everyone leaves hungry" *
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