[Wikimedia Kenya] Fw: [Kiwix-testing] Kiwix 0.9 beta4 is out!

Alex Wafula xelawafs at yahoo.com
Mon Nov 7 19:15:05 UTC 2011

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----- Forwarded Message -----
From: Emmanuel Engelhart <emmanuel at engelhart.org>
To: kiwix-developer at lists.sourceforge.net; kiwix-testing at lists.sourceforge.net
Sent: Monday, November 7, 2011 10:11 PM
Subject: [Kiwix-testing] Kiwix 0.9 beta4 is out!


We have released a new beta of the 0.9 branch. This beta fixes mainly a
freeze problem with Windows7 and introduces filter/sort feature in the

Here the complete CHANGELOG from http://changelog.kiwix.org :
* Fix regression, menu "last open" where not working anymore
* Fix regression, avoid restarting aria2 at program exit
* New content manager search/filter feature (ID: 3390515)
* Newly able to deal with more than one XML library feed
* Fixed missing link on feedback notification on OSX no growl (ID: 3419105)
* Better kiwix-serve default loading if no welcome page is defined in
ZIM (ID: 3417227)
* Fixed Freezes on Windows 7 (ID: 3422838)
* First version of kiwix-install

This version also introduces kiwix-install: a binary to easily build
Kiwix portable versions. You may test it if you use the Ubuntu packages
or compile yourself from the source code. More documentation and ports
will be soon available.

Please test as much as possible the following points:
* sort/filter feature in the library
* Kiwix on Windows7 and Vista
* New feedback system introduced with beta3
* kiwix-install (if you can)

We still want to start the release candidate cycle ASAP but will try to
avoid xulrunner-dev dependences for the compilation (necessary to get
package of Ubuntu oneiric and further) and improve aria2 process mgmt
before (important for Windows users). Next release (probably a beta5)
will be out in around 4 weeks.

Download Kiwix at:

Report bugs and request features at:
* http://reportabug.kiwix.org
* http://requestafeature.kiwix.org

Stay tune at

Emmanuel Engelhart

RSA(R) Conference 2012
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