[Wikimedia Kenya] FW: SourceForge.net: Kiwix: Modify: 3243284 - Indexing zim file

Alex Wafula xelawafs at yahoo.com
Mon Mar 28 12:01:44 UTC 2011

Awesome, thanks for testing this Steve. I just closed the bug report.

Looking forward to updates for the Nyeri pilot when you guys are through.


On Mon Mar 28th, 2011 4:39 AM PDT stephen wanjau wrote:

>Hi guys i have downloaded the library that alex got me the link.though
>you have to run the application before copying the kiwix and the Zim
>file-which is good too.The  problem that we had with computers running
>xp not indexing the encyclopedia has now been successful solved.CHEERS
>On 3/27/11, Alex Wafula <xelawafs at yahoo.com> wrote:
>> Hey guys,I filed a bug for the indexing problem we were experiencing with
>> Kiwix. The solution for this comes in a Microsoft library.Follow the link
>> below to get the download link for the library. Note that this is applicable
>> to XP's where the indexing process doesn't work for Kiwix.Steve, please try
>> it out during the Nyeri pilot and let me know if it works so I can give
>> feedback on whether to close the bug or continue to search for a
>> fix.Cheers,Alex.
>> ----Forwarded Message----
>> From: xelawafs at yahoo.com
>> To: xelawafs at yahoo.com
>> Sent: Sun Mar 27th, 2011 10:59 AM PDT
>> Subject: SourceForge.net: Kiwix: Modify: 3243284 - Indexing zim file
>> Kiwix bug fix
>> https://sourceforge.net/tracker/?func=detail&atid=873515&aid=3243284&group_id=175508&sms_ss=email&at_xt=4d8f7b0498c3b2a4%2C0
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>Stephen Wathika Wanjau
>Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture And Technology.
>Bsc. Mathematics (*Statistics*) and Computer Science.
>Cell:+254 722 238 165
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>"*changing how the world works*"


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