[Wikimedia Kenya] Beta Testing next release of Kiwix offline Wikipedia reader

Tomasz Finc tfinc at wikimedia.org
Thu Mar 24 00:57:31 UTC 2011

Greetings all, I'm cross posting this to the lists that I've seen Kiwix/openZim/offline discussed on.

We've been actively improving Kiwix;  the offline Wikipedia reader as mentioned in http://techblog.wikimedia.org/2011/01/update-on-offline-wikimedia-projects/. Our first development sprint is scheduled to finish 3/29 and were eager to find some beta testers to give us feedback on our changes. You can get an early preview of whats coming at http://kiwix.org/index.php/WMF_UX_Improvement_Effort.

If your available to test then please message me or just note your contact info at 


Our target platforms for tests are Windows and Linux



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