[Wikimedia Kenya] Khan Academy

deonte munene deontemunene at hotmail.com
Tue Jul 19 17:33:25 UTC 2011

Great idea Abbas,  i'm for it. I also support Jessie's idea of adding video links to the offline wikipedia. I hope that it's possible.


From: abartov at wikimedia.org
Date: Wed, 13 Jul 2011 13:04:08 -0700
To: wikimediake at lists.wikimedia.org
Subject: Re: [Wikimedia Kenya] Khan Academy

Excellent idea, Abbas, and thank you, Jessie, for these links.
Note that Camara is represented in Kenya, in Mombasa:http://kenya.camara.ie/

Perhaps WMKE can help Camara expand the Kenya operation?  Perhaps, likewise, Camara can support and help WMKE?  Please take some time to look into this.  
Could we maybe reach out to them and see if we can get them to meet us in Nairobi during my upcoming visit?

On Wed, Jul 13, 2011 at 10:44 AM, Jessie Wild <jwild at wikimedia.org> wrote:

Hey all -

yes, Khan is something that is widely distributed in the same open education resources community that our Offline Wikipedia is very popular in! There are some offline projects that already package it together with our resources along with others, including Camara[1] and the RACHEL education portal.

It would be awesome to figure out ways to add links (for example, at the top of a page in italics) to specific articles within the offline Wikipedia that sync to a complementary video lesson, imho :)


[1] http://camara.ie/web/
[2] http://rachel.worldpossible.org/

On Wed, Jul 13, 2011 at 10:21 AM, stephen wanjau <wanjaustev at gmail.com> wrote:

Yep , I definately endorse this idea because it is in appraisal of our objectives as a chapter.


Stephen W. Wanjau

On Jul 13, 2011 7:41 PM, "Limoke Oscar" <oslimoke at gmail.com> wrote:
> I have found its lessons very useful of it.And I would suggest we

> incorporate the meetup with Asaf's meetup.
> I definitely support the idea
> On 7/13/11, Abbas Mahmood <abbasjnr at hotmail.com> wrote:


>> Greetings,
>> Has anyone of you guys heard of Khan Academy(www.khanacademy.org)? Khan
>> Academy is a multiple-award winning non-profit organization/website that has

>> free collections of educational videos ranging from Math, Calculus, Algebra,
>> Chemistry, Physics, Statistics and man more.
>> I was thinking of carrying out an offline project with Khan where we'd

>> download and distribute these videos to educational institutions probably
>> during September. If you guys are interested, I'll arrange a meetup where we
>> could discuss the way forward.

>> Cheers,Abbas. 		 	   		
> -- 
> Limoke Oscar,
> mayenge.blogspot.com
> Freelancer,
> GeoInformatics and GIScience Student

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