[Wikimedia Kenya] Bylaws: ChapCom's Comments

Limoke Oscar oslimoke at gmail.com
Thu Jul 14 11:05:45 UTC 2011

Find below my take/response to ChapCom's questions:
 1. Most chapters have a minimum of 1 general meeting (exclusive of the AGM).
I agree with 2 as Abbas put it.

 2. What happens if the members are unhappy about how the board is doing? It
 is in most chapters common that if x% of the members requires it, the board
 is forced to call an assembly. For example, if 10% of the members (also a
quorum in this case) call for it..3. Is there a Special Resolution
where members can remove a board member the whole Board?

I suggest we say 10% of the members can call for a "Special Meeting"
to express a vote of no confidence in the board.However such a vote
should only be considered valid if atleast 30% of the members partake
in it and that the voting out of the board/resolution should be
supported by 50% +1 of the voting members(i.e the 30% present)....

4.  For Board members,
> what does two consecutive terms mean? Is it two terms in the same position
> (chair, treasurer etc) or two terms on the board?
I think we should do away with the num,ber of terms.Anyone is eligible
to vie as aboard members as many times as possible.
5. how are the different
> functions in the board distributed? Are the board members elected in
> funcion? (i.e. the General Meeting determines who becomes chairperson) Or
> are they elected as board member and then the board members elect in a
> similar way in their first meeting the chair person etc?
We elect the Board Membres as a Block then from amongst the block they
distribute amongst themselves how and who will do/be what.If our board
needs 5Members,the top 5 viers of the Board qualify to be the New

However my reservation would be what if in the next term say a board
member X who has been serving as Vice-Chair now wishes to serve as

.9. Budget. I see no explanation
> in the bylaws how the budget works (planned expenses for next year) - who
> proposes the budget (the board/treasurer/chair?), who approves it (the
> General Meeting?). Some way of budget approval also gives the members a good
> opportunity to actually control the board and influence what direction the
> association is really taking.
The Treasurer should be preparing a budget based on estimates
provide/discussed by the Board.The Budget then presented to Members to
approve/reject/alter the same....

10. Auditing. Especially when budgets get
> higher, but also in the beginning, it is good to have a continuous control
> of how money has been spent. Generally there are to me two well known ways
> to do this: through a professional audit (expensive!) and through an Audit
> Committee (a group of non-board members who will check the financial
> statements and books thoroughly before they are approved by the members).
> Either would report directly to the General Meeting and then the General
> Meeting could decide to approve the financial report or not. It might be
> however that this is already part of the law, so in that case pointing to
> that would be sufficient.

I suggest we adopt the Kenyan Parliament System where we will have
various committees in Charge of various aspects.The one in Charge of
Audit will be responsible for our audit and expenditure...


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