[Wikimedia Kenya] Wikip/media Student/Campus Clubs

Abbas Mahmood abbasjnr at hotmail.com
Thu Apr 28 10:08:30 UTC 2011

I don't know about other universities, but wifi at Strathmore is not that good, in my opinion.

I do realise, however, that ''good internet speeds'' is a very relative term, and it may vary from person to person.

Date: Thu, 28 Apr 2011 13:03:43 +0300
From: oslimoke at gmail.com
To: wikimediake at lists.wikimedia.org
Subject: Re: [Wikimedia Kenya] Wikip/media Student/Campus Clubs

My Idea was since most of our campuses have "free" WiFi connection,we could find a few interested students and share with them the editing in Wikipedia.I am not for the creation of Clubs,just some form of informal association where we can get guys together and do staff together...or get ourselves together from the same campus and do editing together.:P

Although I totally agree with your "code 254 theory".

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